v 1.1 Feb 94 Bug fix. (Pasting between FastNotes! and other applications.)
Thanks for downloading FastNotes!ª
I hope you find this helpful, and easier to manage than Apple's generic ÒNote PadÓ; that's
the main reason I wrote this.
I'm asking that each user who likes this program and decides to keep it, to send in the
$5.00 registration fee. This will allow me to inform you of upgrades, and future software
products if you are interested. PLEASE include your email address when you fill out the registration form. The registration form can be selected from the about box. (Under the Apple menu...... ) - > ÒAbout FastNotesªÉÓ This dialog will display itself, and in this dialog you'll find the button titled ÒRegisterÉÓ.
If you have questions about FastNotes!ª, there is on-line help available. If you still have questions that may not be answered through the on-line help, please feel free to call me @ 215-592-4221. (Philadelphia, Pa.) or send me e-mail at
JJCiii@aol.com I check this several times a day.
FastNotes!ª Source Language: C
Other programs to check out:
(I will send you a disk with the following programs for your review if you include an additional $3.00 for, you guessed it, shipping and handling.)
¥¥¥¥ AreaCodeFinderª version 3.1 (1994 version) $8.00
A very powerful application for storing and searching for area codes. Search by state, or city or 3 digit code.
I guarantee this is the best area code database you'll find for the Macintoshª. AreaCodeFinderª can be found on America On-line, Compuserve, AMUG, BMUG, and many other MUG's around the country.
PLEASE NOTE that the latest version to date is 3.1. (This price includes a disk.)
AreaCodeFinderª Source Language: Pascal
¥¥¥¥ FoneMateª 1.8 $5.00
FoneMateª is another small utility for storing frequently used phone numbers and e-mail addresses. FoneMateª will hold up to 1000 records. Check it out.